My rating: 4 of 5 stars
ebook, 132 pages
July 2012
Source: Own Copy
'Single mom, Leah Taylor,
has her hands full with a grandfather, an inventor, who lives a bit
risky when it comes to his job and two sons, one a rambunctious genius.
But it is her free spirited beagle who gets her into trouble with her
new neighbor, Dr. Shane O'Grady, when her dog makes a move on his
champion bichon that he wants to breed.
Leah and Shane clash over their dogs that clearly like each other. Leah is determined to ignore her neighbor, but when her youngest son who tries to defy gravity and fly ends up hurt, it is her neighbor, the doctor, who takes care of her son. Can Leah and Shane find love or has love gone to the dogs?'
Leah and Shane clash over their dogs that clearly like each other. Leah is determined to ignore her neighbor, but when her youngest son who tries to defy gravity and fly ends up hurt, it is her neighbor, the doctor, who takes care of her son. Can Leah and Shane find love or has love gone to the dogs?'
My Thoughts:
I mainly started reading this book because I needed a bit of a break from the heavier books I've been reading lately and I must say it was a refreshing change.Truthfully, the reason I downloaded this book to my kindle in the first place was because it featured a beagle as part of the storyline. I have a beagle who is like my first born and have a bit of a problem where I cannot resist anything that is beagle related and as I'm not usually a huge romance fan I was banking on the beagle fan factor to ensure I would enjoy this book (I guess this is obvious by the name of my blog!)
Luckily it worked. Although the main focus of the story was the blooming romance between the two main characters, Leah and Shane, it wasn't your typical full-on sappy kind of romance, plus there was enough humour and interesting side stories to keep me reading until the end.
I liked that the characters were quite realistic and easy to relate to and you really felt for Leah and the hurdles she'd had the endure in her life.
Overall I found this a very enjoyable, quick read.
Important Links:
Amazon: Love Gone to the Dogs (Second Chances)
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