My rating: 2 of 5 stars
Kindle Edition
Published by Lil Black Dress Press
Source: Own copyChallenges: Ebook Challenge, Genre Variety Challenge
Before You Start Munching on Those Goodies - Download This Book!
Do You Want to Lose Weight and Get a Flat Belly?
It is no secret that many of us eat mindlessly and out of boredom.
In this no fluff, short report, health and beauty researcher Lexi Burke Alexander shares what you can do instead of eating so you can lose weight and get the flat belly you deserve!
"101 Kick Ass Things To Do Instead Of Eating: Get The Flat Belly You Deserve" can save you hundreds of calories! No dieting involved. Just lot's of great activities you will LOVE!
Perfect for when you need a quick diversion from the food that is tempting you.
Just scroll thru the pages and find something else to do. You can save hundreds of calories instantly!
Keep those unwanted and unneeded calories out of your mouth!
"101 Kick Ass Things To Do Instead Of Eating: Get The Flat Belly You Deserve" is Your Flat Belly, Activity Companion!'
My Thoughts:
This book is pretty much just a list of distractions for a person to do instead of eat.
To some people a book like this might be invaluable in breaking that mindset of 'I'm bored, lets eat' by giving them something else to concentrate on for a few minutes and to get over the fact that they were not really eating because they were hungry, but because it was a habit instead.
The activities in this book are organised under different types such as 'Household Hobbies', 'Preventative Measures', and 'Pass the Time'. In my opinion, some of the activities were a little bit 'out there' and not really all that achievable in a moment of weakness if you need to break the cycle of eating through boredom. Some of them would take quite a bit of forward planning to actually do but there were still quite a few good ideas in amongst them for those that need that little extra bit of motivation at short notice.
Overall, if you're in need of a bit of inspiration or new ideas of things to do to keep you busy and your mind off food, this is a cute little book to have on hand and flick through whenever needed.
Amazon: 101 Kick Ass Things To Do Instead of Eating: Get The Flat Belly You Deserve!
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