My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Kindle Edition
Published May 12th 2012 by Katie Christine
Source: Author for ReviewSynopsis:
'Follow Petunia, the backyard hen, through a hazardous world as she discovers hidden talents, a mischievous cat named Macy and encounters all things feathered and furious.'
My Thoughts:
This was such a cute little story which centres around the world of a small hen named Petunia. I couldn't resist reading this book as I love all things animal related and this was no exception.
Little Petunia is a bit different from the other hens she lives with and likes to keep to herself while finding joy tending to her small flower garden.
One day the owner of the house notices Petunia and a friendship soon develops between them. Unfortunately for Petunia, this means being taken into the house with the owner almost on a daily basis which is a big no-no as far as the rest of the chicken community are concerned. They don't like change and think that this new development will only mean bad things for the rest of the chickens if the habit continues. Petunia also develops a friendship of a sort with Macy the cat who lives at the house and this causes even more concern for the other chickens.
The story unfolds with the chicken community constantly gossiping about Petunia's relationship with the owner of the house and scheming to put an end to it while Petunia tries to defend her actions and put them at ease.
Petunia is such a loveable character who shows us that it doesn't matter if you are a little different from everybody else and that it's possible to be friends with others where life normally dictates that you shouldn't.
The book also contains gorgeous illustrations at the beginning of every chapter and I can't wait until my toddler gets a little bit older and I can read this story to him.
I'll definitely be reading the next instalment in this series, A Tale of Two Tails, when it comes out to see what other adventure await little Petunia.
Website: Impeccable Petunia
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Hi Michelle, interesting review :D **New Follower**